Unquestionably, the Gibbs Class of 1968, Inc. 45th Reunion rocked!!!!!! That's the word about town and that's the word from all who attended. We are ever mindful that we have been blessed to have the favor of God shine upon us in all that we do. We ask the question, how else could we have hosted such an awesome event? We lived up to the Reunion theme, Celebrating Love, Peace and Happiness.
First, who has ever heard of having 4 divine nights of fellowship, food and fun for a mere $65.00 per person. Well if you were there, then you know that it's true. Thanks to the committed Board of Directors we were able to seamlessly work together to get the job done. We were able to keep the expenses at an all time low by monitoring our expenses, yet not sacrificing our community benevolence. We were still able to provide scholarships in the amount of $500.00 to 10 deserving high school graduates. We fully
understand 'To whom much is given, much is required'. To this end, we were able to subsidize the reunion registration fee with funds from our treasury, making it possible for everyone to attend. The registration fee covered ALL food and the reunion souvenir. The weekend of events was attended by 103 classmates and nearly 100 family and friends guest. Classmates ventured from up and down the coast of the United States to share in the 45th Reunion Celebration. The reunion banner was a culmination of everything that reflects who we are, from our meager beginning to our beloved deceased classmates.
Thursday, July 11th - "So Glad to See You Welcome Reception"
Thursday evening, June 11 began at the Magnuson Marina Cove Resort with a beautifully adorned Tropical decor room. The theme for the Greet and Meet Welcome Reception, was "So Glad to See You" Everyone was dressed in Tropical Attire. There was a full buffet with two main en tree's, Talapia and a Round Roast Carving Station, manned by the Chef. There were sides to compliment. We had much fun looking at the name tags that had our school picture on them. My had we changed! What Fun! The music was provided by DJ Rhymes and he played a cool mix of music. The evening continued with door prizes, and a Hula-Hoop and Limbo contest. It was certainly good to see everyone. The room was filled with the sound of laughter as 'the Old Soul Train' line lit up the floor. Love, Peace and Happiness!
Friday, July 12th - "Celebrating the Deuces: Strolling Down Memory Lane"
This day found us at the newly renovated Manhattan Casino. It was certainly a time to remember. There were echoes of 22nd Street South from back in the day. The newly decorated venue was completed just in time for our event. As it would turn out, we were the very first organization to christen the building. We were on hand as the final touches were being made; we saw the hanging of the Manhattan Casino marquee, the Fire Marshal walk through and watched patiently as the last dust was being whisked away. The venue is in every word 'beautiful and modern'; the chairs and tables are elegant, the chandeliers stylish and the hardwood floor is brilliant. We were honored to have the opportunity to host our event in the newly renovated location. Our hats are tipped to Aracle Reality LLC. (Larry and Betty Newsome) for making this evening a reality.
The Company Band, formerly aka 'The Childs of Friendship' provided the Big Band sound. Genie Boy and Phil Hill were on hand to give the evening an Old School aurora. The food was indicative of those food joints that were prominent in the '60's. Geeches' Bar-B-Que and Sno-Peak were the two establishments we highlighted. Ribs and sides of macaroni and cheese, chicken and rice, hot dogs and buns, and baked beans were prepared by 'Newsome Catering' (no relation to Larry and Betty Newsome). Popeye's Chicken provided the chicken for our Sno-Peak meal. We could not have had a successful evening without the assistance of Gravely's Catering Service that provided professional servers and food management. Door prizes were awarded to the lucky winners.
Upon walking into the grand room one could not help but see the blue and gold balloons on the tables along with the themed 'Celebrating the Deuces' vases that contained the balloons. We had a blast. Love, Peace and Happiness!
On Saturday some classmates attended the Gibbs Alumni Cookout held annually at Dell Holmes Park while others of us prepared for the Saturday evening event at the Hilton Bayfront in Downtown St. Pete.
Saturday, July 13th - "A Celebration of Love, Peace and Happiness"

DJ One Love, Mike Boykins, played soulful smooth grooves for the guest as the class prepared for their photo shoot. After the class photo shoot, the evening began with the President's Message. Then the Welcome was given. In an effort to have other classmates participate on the program, the Occasion was given by 5 different persons, representing, out of state guest, classmates attending for the first time, extended classmates and of course a member from the Gibbs Class of 1968. The Chaplain gave a spirited invocation and blessed the food for the evening. Our meal took top awards; guest had the choice of honey glazed salmon or chicken piccata. Both were scrumptious. Desert was key lime pie or strawberry cheesecake.
The evening continued with a dynamic slideshow that highlight the class events over the years, from our very first reunion, to holiday extravaganzas to worshipping services to all that makes us what we are today. It was truly a reflection of time. No event is complete unless we pay tribute to our deceased classmates. A moving tribute and a roll call of deceased classmates was rendered to commemorate those who passed since our last reunion in 2008. Love, Peace and Happiness!
Sunday, July 14th - "A Time to Remember: A Time to Praise"
Sunday Service at the Magnuson Hotel was inspiring and spiritually grounded. Classmates were asked to wear black attire so that we could take a picture with our souvenir stoles. Almost everyone wore black and the photo shoot, taken after the service, looked awesome. You be the judge!
After a spirit-filled Praise Service, a solo was song and then the speaker of the hour, Rev. Alvin Miller, gave us an uplifting message that echoed our belief that God continues to show us favor. There was lots of food and lots of love The Sunday Service was open for family members to attend. We were pleased to have the Gibbs Class of 1963 (10 members) share in our weekend of celebration along with other invited guest. At the conclusion of the day, a gift certificate for a weekend at the Magnuson Marina Cove Resort was won by one lucky couple, Jimmy and Sylvia Pritchett.
We thank our God for every remembrance of you. We thank each of you for making the Reunion an Unbelievable success. May you continue to find strength in Him whom all love abides. Go Safe and Be Well!
All photos courtesy of Class Photographer G. Pop Lancaster