Sunday, March 10, 2013

Remembering Our Loved Ones and Classmates

While thinking about all of the classmates and family that have gone on before us, I ran across this poem.  May it remind us of things to come and that the broken chain will be whole again when the Master is done.

The Broken Chain

Saturday, March 9, 2013

45th Year Reunion Brochure Coming Your Way

G reetings classmates and friends, please know that the Board is working hard at planning the best and most economical reunion yet!   Four days of activities including meals and souvenirs for the class, all for $65.00 per person.   Look for your brochure and registration form in your mailbox the week of March 15, 2013.

Hope you can make it to this grand event!

Mark your calendar now and plan to attend, July 11-14, 2013!

Remembering Nathaniel 'Nate' Downie

We know not the day or the hour.  Here today and gone tomorrow.  Life is swift.  We have to mourn yet another classmate who took flight on February 22, 2013.  Nate is the third classmate in 2013 that we have lost.

There was not a Wake Service, the Class bought a large green plant and delivered to Lawson Funeral Home in his honor.   Rest in peace, dearly departed!