The Gibbs Senior High Class of 1968, Inc. celebrated their 40th Reunion on July 9th - 13th in St. Petersburg, FL. It was a glorious celebration and a good time was had by all in attendance. The Reunion Committee worked tirelessly to ensure that this reunion was a success. The theme was "Celebrating 40 Years of Love in Unity". See logo at right. Planning begin in 2007. 
Gibbs High School has had a tremendous transformation since our departure. We were 'ole school'; the school was demolished and rebuilt, however our legacy lives on.
A photo of the
Board and Planning Committee taken at the Night In White Affair on Wednesday July 9, 2008.

mbers: Alvin, Benny, Sandy, Ernest, Jeanette, Vivian, Fredda, Maryann, Jackie, Wileen, Maxine, Sylvia, Valerie, Bettye, Gwen, Sheila and Katie.
Hats off to each of them!
There's one member who is not present and that is Pop Lancaster, due to illness however he is a cruical member of the Board.
Our first event, July 9, 2008 was our
White held at the Hilton Bayfront. It was a most spectacular event to behold.
Enough see below slideshows of each night event.
Wednesday July 9, 2008 - The Night In White Event. Everyone was truly excited to meet and greet each other. The mixer was well planned and the guest received their souvenir bags with a Gladiator Polo Shirt, a historical book, of life on 22nd Street at its prime, autographed by the author, a lapel pin and a 3 set CD of Ole R&B Oldies but Goodies and Gospel Classics that were popular when we graduated.
07/10/08 - Thursday morning at our Alma Mater SlideShow . The principal Ms. Campbell was gracious enough to allow us to tour the school. We took pictures like those in the yearbook that reflected the various organizations and homeroom classes that we were a part of in 1968.
07/10/08 Thursday Evening - Holiday Inn SunSpree Caribbean Luau. The flavor of the island was evident with the food and attire. The limbo stole the show; it's amazing some of us still have it going on. Check it out!
07/11/08 - Pick your Poison - Game Night, Kizsmet, Pleasure Island in Orlando, Fl. Regretably I do not have lots of photos of this event. I left my camera on the bus, thus there are photos before our departure and a before and after of me after dancing at 8Trak Club at Pleasure Island. Enjoy!
07/12/08 The Gibbs Alumni Cookout - we were happy that the cookout coincided with our reunion celebration. What fun we had! Look good at the pictures, many classes were represented.
Saturday - Hilton Bayfront Gala - Everyone was dressed beautifully and the evening was a hit. A very short program where classmates were honored and then it was on the dance floor again. My do we love a good party!
Sunday July 13, 2008 Worship Services. The spirit was high, as I like to say 'I thank my God for every remembrance of you'. We were spiritually uplifted by 'Up with Live Ministries and our very own Nancy Coleman Holcombe. I shall ever be grateful for her outpouring of her spirit. Sister Diane Hughes was the MC of the program. Dinner was served after our service.
I hope you enjoyed the blog of our 40th Class Reunion. May God continue to bless each and every one of you. As the class continue to have events I will update this blog.
DVD's of the reunion will be available in September at a cost of $15.00 ( 2 DVD's over 3 hours DVD 1 - Pictures, Night in White, Banquet DVD2 - Sunday Worship Service_
Go safe and Be Well!